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Designer Talk: Sven Van Buuren
Designer Talk, Interior Designers, Interiors, MarketingI'm so excited to share this interview with the multi-talented Sven van Buuren! Sven is one of the principals at the interior design firm Masters of Interior Design (MoID), based in The Netherlands. He is an expert not only at helping ...
Instagram Unfollows: Unfollowing People Can Hurt Your Business
Social Media, Interiors, Lifestyle, MarketingInstagram unfollows are one of the biggest wastes of time on social media — and they can hurt your reputation and your business if you’re the one doing the unfollowing. If you’re already on Instagram, you know how frustrating this ...
What the Blogging Definition Is Now and How Your Blog Fits It
Websites, Blogging, Interiors, LifestyleDo you want to start blogging for personal or professional reasons, but you’re not sure what blogging means these days? Well, you’re not the only one! The blogging definition has changed dramatically since blogs were first launched b...
Turn Home Blog Readers Into Raving Fans with These Blog Post Ideas
Writing, Blogging, InteriorsSo you've started a home blog. Stuck on what to write about in it? Here are top post types that will conquer new interior design readers and drive repeat traffic to your website. Q&A Posts Question & Answer posts never ... Read More
Start a Blog Following These 10 Steps to Ensure Your Success
Websites, Blogging, Interiors, LifestyleIt’s so easy to start a blog these days – but launching into it without carefully thinking it through isn't a good idea. I did this years ago when I first started blogging because my enthusiasm got the better of ... Read More
Great Tools: Blackboard Graphics
Graphic Design, Great ToolsI never get tired of seeing decorative blackboard graphics on products and websites. They’ve been popular since blogging and the crafts culture took off, and they really lend Old World style to contemporary products. Ornate blackboa...
Great Tools: Digital Confetti
Graphic Design, Great ToolsI’m a big believer that you don’t need to limit confetti to weddings and holiday packaging. Why not sprinkle it around your website, social media posts — really wherever you want to add a bit of fun and sparkle? Confetti ... Read More
Great Tools: CTAs with People
Sales, Great ToolsWhenever you’re planning a form or page with a CTA, or call to action, consider putting a person on it. A good example of a CTA is a lead capture form, such as a landing page or an email capture ... Read More
Great Tools: Digital Fretwork
Graphic Design, Great ToolsI like how digital fretwork stands out on a white computer screen, and decorate the white page of a book, bag, invitation, or just about anything else. But before you try making your own, consider the (often inexpensive) options from ......
Great Tools: Watercolor Splashes
Graphic Design, Great ToolsI love how watercolors look on digital products! Luckily there are illustrators who have created beautiful watercolor splashes that you can buy at affordable prices to use on your products, websites, really anything digital. It's really ...
Great Tools: Ampersands
Graphic Design, Great ToolsAmpersands are great way to add a flourish to any digital design you create, be it an ebook cover, a website logo, a social media cover photo, or more. They really give a professional look even if you're DIY-ing it. ... Read More
Interior Design Clients: 10 Strategies to Find Them Online
Sales, Interiors, MarketingUnderstanding how to find interior design clients is definitely one of the biggest challenges you’ll have as a designer–at least until you’re well-established. And while in-person meetings and word-of-mouth is the age-old strategy,...
The SEO Audit: Why Your Website Needs One
Websites, Blogging, Interiors, Lifestyle, Marketing, PublishingEveryone should have an SEO audit done for their website on a regular basis, just as everyone should have car maintenance done or an annual physical. An SEO audit tells you the health of your website with regards to how ... Read More
How to Use WordPress for Free and Self-Hosted Websites
Websites, BloggingI love to use Wordpress for my blogs and websites. WordPress is an extremely popular blogging/content management system software by Automattic and it’s FREE. It's great for simple blogs and for complex websites. Learning how to use it ...
How to Buy Domain Names: A Complete Guide
Websites, Blogging, Interiors, LifestyleUnderstanding how to buy domain names is essential for anyone who wants an online presence. The domain name, or URL, is your address on the Internet. It lets people find you in cyberspace and it serves as your calling card, heralding y...
Promote Your Book: Tips from a Pro PR Agent
PR, Interiors, PublishingThese days learning how to promote your book is a must for every author, whether you're self-published or you have a contract with a publishing company. The key -- to avoid exhausting yourself in the process -- is to narrow down ... Rea...
How to Buy an ISBN Number for Books
Sales, Interiors, Lifestyle, PublishingIt's easy to buy ISBN for your self-published book. You can get a free ISBN, but this article explains why you should buy an ISBN, which isn't expensive....
Writing About Colors You Love: Tips for Blogging
Writing, Blogging, InteriorsIn all my years as a magazine editor in chief, I think the question I got most often from readers was: What color is that? Often they were talking about paint colors. But sometimes it was fabrics, products, and more. ... Read More